Aug 18, 2012

Kawaii phase?

I think I have a soft spot for cute kawaii things…I’ve noticed recently that I dress kawaii/gyaru casually and like sweet/hime lolita. My love for dark gohic things hasn’t phased but I find it hard to limit myself to being a gothic lolita. I’ve been scared that maybe I’ll lose respect from others but after recieving advice from a good friend I decided to jump in or else I might have regrets later. I think this is probably a fad or phase, but I want to express it for now. I don’t plan on going OTT thats just a bit too much for me,..but I plan on showing my love of “kawaii” things for now. I really like almost all the lolita styles so maybe I’m a “lolita surfer?” I know I’ll probably never lose sight of my love for dark gothic stuff though since I have a dark soul and probably always will. So lets see where this takes me, for now you can see it by the change of my theme.

and heres a pic of my nails I painted the other day. I was going for the time of day, when the sky is a lavender blue color and the clouds are a light pretty pink color. But I think they ended up looking like cotton candy with glitter over them, oh well I guess thats fine too.^-^
sorry for the bad quality v.v' I had to use my dads phone since mine broke T.T

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